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In these dire economic times being a school librarian can seem a very lonely and under appreciated position. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are colleagues who've figured out how to get the support they need, resources that help potential supporters understand how libraries affect student outcomes and success stories that speak to the importance of library programs everywhere. We'd like to share them with you at this year's Spring Fling workshop being held Saturday, May 3rd at Bangor High School. Please plan to join us to hear how your colleagues have created the great partnerships that support their programs, used resources like those provided by AASL and others, and maybe share your success story too. We'll provide treats and lunch, a door prize or two and plenty of networking time. And there will be contact hours awarded as well.
Follow this link to our online survey which we hope you'll take to help us tailor the sessions to your specific needs. Advocacy Survey. And don't forget to check out our Advocacy Resources page and the blog we've started on Advocacy.
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Maine Association of School Libraries
c/o Maine State Library
64 State Street
Augusta, ME
"MASL" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.